St. Isidore Catholic Church

Life Chain 2007

St. Isidore Parish's Respect Life - Yuba Sutter Right to Life Ministry, in coordination with other Christian Churches in the counties of Yuba, Sutter and Colusa, aided participation in the Annual Life Chain event. This was the 20th year for this National Life Chain event and the local community prayerfully and solemnly provided testimony to the Church's support of Life Issues, especially to unborn children of our nation. Below are just a few pictures documenting our parish's participation.

I have set before you life and death....
that you and your decendants may live!

Deut. 30:19

life chain 2007
YSRTL Board Members help coordinate disbursement of the signage at the beginning of the Life Chain
life chain 2007
Participants proceed to their positions to prayerfully stand.
life chain 2007
Trying to stay cool!
life chain 2007
St. Isidore Clergy Fr. Francisco, Seminarian Michael and Fr. Ambrose
life chain 2007
life chain 2007
Bill Dougherty, as all others, quietly recites the Life Chain prayers or Rosary.

A great poverty reigns in a country that allows taking the life of an unborn child...A child created in God's image, created to live and to love.

Mother Teresa

We plant seeds that one-day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produces effects far beyond our capacity.

Oscar Romero
Archbishop, San Salvador