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California and Federal Legislation

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Each year, there are bills that impact "life" issues both on the Federal and State levels. We provide a summary and status of some of those bills below.

California Legislation

AB 2262
Child Protection: Safe Surrender This bill would expand the current safe-surrender time from 72hrs to 7 days that a parent can surrender an infant. 9/30/08:
AB 2747
End of Life Care This bill would require that a terminally ill patient to receive, upon request, information and couseling regarding legal end of life options. 9/30/08: Chaptered

Federal Legislation- 110th Congress (January 3, 2007 - January 3, 2009)

For Informaton on the bill, please click on the bill number.
For latest status of the bill, please click on the included status.

Child Custody Protection Act This bill makes it illegal to transport a minor girl across state lines to circumvent parental notification laws. 1/22/08:
Referred to Committee on the Judiciary
Ultrasound Informed Consent Act Requires an abortionist to perform an ultrasound and display the images so the woman as an opportunity to view them before an abortion. S.2075 9/20/07:
Referred to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

H.R.5032 1/17/08:
Referred to House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Freedom of Choice Act Invalidates any federal, state, or local government law that interferes with a woman's access to abortion. S.1173 4/19/07:
Referred to Committee on the Judiciary

H.R. 1964 5/4/07
Referred to Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. (House Committee on the Judiciary)
Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act Requires abortionists to provide to women seeking an abortion information regarding the pain her unborn child will feel during the abortion. The woman will either accept or refuse pain-reducing medication for the unborn child. Cites a number of existing federal laws seeking to diminish the suffering of animals. S.356 1/22/07:
Referred to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

H.R. 3442 8/3/07:
Referred to House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Title X Family Planning Act Prohibits funder under Title X family planning programs from going to organizations that provide abortions (hospitals are excluded). S.351 1/22/07:
Referred to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

H.R. 4133 11/9/07:
Referred to House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Abortion Non-Discrimination Act (ANDA) Prohibits health care providers from being penalized for refusing to participate in providing abortions. 1/22/07:
Referred to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) funding Authorizes a US contribution to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which is currently prohibited by law by the Kemp-Kasten law (The Kemp-Kasten law prohibits funding programs that include forced abortions or sterilizations). H.R. 2604 6/7/07:
Referred to the House Commitee on Foreign Affairs.
Support H.R.1457 Post-Abortion Depression Research and Care Act Authorizes the National Institutes of Health to spend $15 million over five years to research the emotional impact of abortion on women, and would create a five year $1.5m grant program to fund treatment programs for women suffering from post-abortion depression. H.R. 1457 3/12/07:
Referred to the Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardoug Materials (House Committee on Energy and Commerce)
Support H.R.1063 Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) Requires an abortionist to notify a parent of a minor if that minor is a resident of another state. Makes it a federal offense to transport a minor over state lines for an abortion without fulfilling the notificatrion requirements of the minor's home state. H.R.1063 3/19/07:
Referred to Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties (House Committee on the Judiciary)
Support S.1036 Brownback-Landrieu Human-Cloning Prohibition Act Prohibits, for any purpose, the creation of human embryos by cloning.

S.1036 3/29/07:
Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Oppose S.812 Human Cloning Ban and Stem Cell Research Protection Act of 2007 ALLOWS CLONING HUMAN EMBRYOS! The text of the bill limits the definition of "human cloning" to implanting a cloned embryo in a uterus (or equivalent) and excludes the cloning of embryos from the ban. S.812 3/8/2007
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Support H.R.2807 Patients First Act Encourages the National Institutes of Health to research methods of obtaining stem cells that do not result in the death of the human embryo. H.R.2807 06/21/07:
Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Support H.R.2564 Weldon-Stupak Human Cloning Prohibition Act Prohibits the creation of human embryos by cloning. H.R.2564 07/16/07
Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security (House Committee on the Judiciary).
Support H.R.322 Alternative Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act Requires the National Institutes of Health to support research of methods to obtaining stem cells that are not obtained from human embryos.

H.R.322 06/25/07:
Introductory remarks on measure.



For past sessions, please click on the legislative session below: