Life Lessons
Monica and Bill Dodds

It's startling to realize a second generation is growing up under Roe v. Wade. That's why now, more than ever, it's so important to help young people establish a solid pro-life foundation to support a strong pro-life attitude.

There are countless ways each day parents can show and teach respect - or disrespect - for human life by how they treat and talk about others. Showing respect - Christian concern - for others gives children the broadest and most accurate definition of "pro-life." Anything less than that is incomplete.

Here are a few suggestions:

Courtesy Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, New Haven, CT. Monica and Bill Dodds are the editors of My Daily Visitor magazine and their Web site is Bills latest book is The Seeker's Guide to the Holy Spirit (Loyola Press). Reprinted from Columbia magazine (January 2004) with permission.