We are committed to the belief that all human life, able or disabled, born or unborn, young or old, is sacred and worthy of protection. We are committed to the reality that life begins at conception and abortion and euthanasia are the taking of a human life.
Pregnancy Hotlines
- (530) 741-0556 A Woman’s Friend Help Line
- (800) 848-5683 National Pregnancy Hotline
- (866) 482-LIFE National Helpline for Abortion Recovery
- (877) 558-0333 Abortion Pill Reversal
Latest Updates
- Lila Rose’s Most Viral Moments from Jubilee Abortion Debate
- Nurse Warns about RU-486
- 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign- March 5 – April 13, 2025Location: Planned Parenthood, 430 N Palora Ave, Yuba City, CA