West Coast Walk for Life 2008

(Please be patient, as this page has many photos and may take a while to load.)

Yuba Sutter Right to Life would like to thank the nearly 80 people who participated in the YSRTL-organized bus trip, making it a resounding success. The response was so overwhelming, that we had to order a second bus- a first in YSRTL history.

The West Coast Walk for Life is an annual event held in San Francisco to show our fellow citizens and politicians that there are many people in this state (and Country) who respect the sanctity of life. While we do not yet have official numbers, it is estimated that more than 25,000 people participated in this year's walk.

Here are some photos of the 2008 event:

Here are the buses that we chartered for the event:


We started at Justin Harman Plaza with keynote speakers:


After the keynote speakers were finished, we were ready to walk. YSRTL was near the front of the line.


While walking, the YSRTL sign served as a beacon for those who participated in the YSRTL bus-trip.


There were many religious and clergy present:



There were some protesters, but surprisingly few. Most were along the initial route, but quickly dropped off. The walk was peaceful and without incident.


These next few photos will give you an idea of the number of people:





The walk concluded at Marina Green, near the Golden Gate Bridge. While there are many people in this photo, consider that there were many many more behind us. It took an hour after we made it to Marina Green for the rest of the walkers to flow into the park.

Marina Green

Once there, we were treated to a keynote speech by Father Frank Pavone, of Priests for Life.

Father Pavone, Priests for Life