Are you one of the millions of people who would like to speak confidently on abortion but feels tongue-tied when you talk with friends, classmates or co-workers? In the past, Yuba-Sutter Right to Life held a training seminar just to aid you in participating in these discussion. The seminar:

Pro-Life 101

This exciting seminar was conducted by Scott Klusendorf of Stand to Reason. He provided information to enable a person to be more confident in these discussions.

Significant information was provided throughout the seminar but none was more critical than the Discussion Points noted below. These points simplify the issues inherent in the abortion of the unborn by providing a home base for you to focus on when engaged in these discussions. You are encourage to print them out and carry them with you at all times.

6 week old fetus An Unborn Child at Six Weeks Development in the Mother's Womb!



Discussion Points



The Abortion Procedure is only for Killing

Humans can only reproduce Humans - science has proven this


Size = large people are not more human than small people, no matter the size

Level of Development = a 4-year old is not less human than a 21-year old, nor more human than an unborn child

Environment = where you are has no bearing on who you are, you are still human

Dependency = if viability (non-dependency) is what makes us human, then all those who depend on pacemakers, dialysis, medications, etc. are non-human


An Unborn Child at 18 Weeks Development in the Mother's Womb! 18 week old fetus





Thank you Scott Klusendorf and Stand To Reason for spreading this message!